Individual Counseling

Counseling can treat mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, or ADHD, in addition to everyday concerns, such as relationship problems, stress management, career ambitions, or other issues that affect a person’s well-being.

Marriage Counseling

Each relationship is different and comes with its unique challenges. Living and moving through time with another, even the one to whom you were given in marriage, is often difficult.

Family Counseling

Specializing in Marriage/Couples, Elderly Issues, Pre-marital, Budgeting & Financial Matters, Divorce Adjustment, Communication, Blended Family Issues, Crisis Management and more.

From the Blog

How to Manage Toxic People

Psychology Today published a great article about “How to Handle Difficult People” the article stressed four key points:

  1. Control your exposure to the difficult person
  2. Manage how you react to the person
  3. Don’t explain yourself
  4. Avoid them

As a licensed professional counselor, it is an essential part of my profession to educate individuals how to create boundaries in managing toxic people in their lives. Remember toxic people cause drama, do not show respect for you, are demanding and can be aggressive. Toxic people may exhibit outbursts to feed their need for drama and attention. They also thrive on gossip and rumors. They are self-centered and only have interest in their own needs and ways of doing things. If there is someone in your life that literally drains the energy from you then that person may have toxic qualities. 

Many toxic people may not be aware of there behavior, therefore help is also available for them with professional counselor.

If you are in need of help with managing a toxic person in your life please click here to set up an appointment.

Negative Thoughts

I want to start the week off with a great quote about the power of our thoughts, “What our mind feasts on it focuses on” by Lysa Terkeurst. Negative thoughts begin by perception. Each person has there own perception whether it’s rational or irrational. An individual can learn skills to challenge those thoughts and create a whole new way of thinking. Imagine your mind being filled with possibilities instead of rejections. It starts with how you think and process thoughts. 

Counseling can teach a person to process thoughts and dispute the negative, irrational beliefs.

Happy New Year!

As we approach the final hours of this year, let us reflect on 2015. What are some things you would change or make better for this year? The best way to set goals or resolutions for 2016 is to write them down and put them in a place you can see them on a daily basis. One idea is a sticky note on your bathroom mirror. Begin with goals you can achieve easily and work your way up to the harder ones. The result will be that you will feel like you accomplished something instead of being overwhelmed. Happy New Year everyone!

Marriage Challenge

Marriage Challenge for Today:

I encourage you to do one kind thing for your spouse today or one thing that will make them happy. Dr. Harley, who wrote the book “His Needs, Her Needs” discusses that to restore romantic love in your marriage ” that a couple do whatever made each other feel good and avoid doing what made them feel bad”. Research has shown that learned association can “induce an emotion” according to Dr. Harley. Therefore, if your spouse is constantly doing things to make you feel good and appreciated you will associate them with feelings of love. I challenge each of you to put your spouse first today and even if your marriage is rock solid this may further enrich it!


Conflict can become a big part of the holidays in some families. Here are some steps to help resolve it more effectively without anger.

Six Steps to Resolve Conflict
•Identify the problem
•Communicate clearly and calmly
•Allow your adolescent to express their feelings in an appropriate manner
•Brainstorm together for solutions
•Evaluate each solution
•Choose a solution

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